BioTel Heart® is pleased to offer a new way to monitor your patients. FLEX is a unique, innovative cardiac monitoring form factor designed for patient comfort and experience! FLEX is simple and easy for patients to use and is an excellent remote cardiac monitoring alternative to a patch for some patients.
FLEX works with MCOT™ (Mobile Cardiac Outpatient Telemetry) and ePatch™ extended Holter and provides you with the same high-quality and comprehensive reporting you expect from BioTel Heart.
FLEX is designed for:
Active patients who enjoy swimming and water activities
Patients with skin sensitivities
Patients with excessive perspiration who may benefit more frequent electrode changes
FLEX offers the same arrhythmia detection as the patch – there is no loss in clinical efficacy. Designed to enhance patient comfort and experience, it enables flexibility to tailor monitoring options that can meet each patient’s individual needs.
Please fill out the form below to learn more about FLEX or any of the comprehensive cardiac monitoring solutions from BioTel Heart.